P3Y Total Health Forum



P3Y = Paramji, Papr, ParamYog.
P3Y is the way to success. It leads to Sound Health, Happiness and Peace. It is a scientific technique for getting faster advancement in your life by using the Holy Power of Paramji, alias His Holiness. P3Y increases success, prosperity. It allays anxiety – tension; gives relief in ailments. It helps to make the bright career of the youth; makes the memory sharp in study. It gives the solutions for most of the problems.

Easily available source of necessary Power to fulfil the desires; to raise harmony – health – income in the family; for mundane and supramundane achievements. The Power which is needed to fulfil the desires of you, mine and the whole society, to get relief from sufferings; That Power has incarnated in the name as “PARAMJI”, and the form it has taken is ‘The Body’ and ‘The Holy Feet’ of Paramji, alias His Holiness.
Paramji, alias His Holiness is not a Guru or God. P3Y Power has only this form; it doesn’t have any other form.

Papr is Wish filler, Trouble shooter. The Divine 11 lines created by Paramji, alias His Holiness for fulfilling good desires faster and for troubleshooting through P3Y Power.

No need to believe first. First of all, you try Papr in your problems or for getting fulfil your good desires. When your 10 desires are fulfilled by P3Y, then you have to believe that there is no other religion like P3Y and you have to do Shraddha – Vishwas in P3Y.

Only sincerity and honesty is required to take maximum benefits of P3Y.

Yes, by P3Y Power, you can fulfil most of the desires, more than 75%, but only good desires that are beneficial to you and to the P3Y. The desires which are harmful to the society and P3Y will not get fulfilled. Moral desires will definitely be fulfilled by P3Y.

Of course, P3Y is not a religion. You must maintain your religion, deity, your gods, goddesses or whatever things you believe that you can continue. P3Y is a super science, Papr fulfils your wishes and you get P3Y Power to avoid your troubles and when you do ParamNad and Paramshwas, immediately you will get mental peace, your mind gets under control. By doing ParamYog, you can do your religious prayers more fruitfully.

Yes. By using P3Y one can become mentally strong and one can face crises very well. Psychosomatic disorders will get easily cured by P3Y. For more – read P3Y – An Amazing, Super, Simple Power book. In that you will get answers to most of the questions you have.

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